Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful
1.         Make a commitment to tell the truth
I really like this tip because you should always tell the truth no matter what it is. Small or little telling the truth is very important because it tells a lot about you. You should commit yourself until on your own you will tell the truth and only the truth.  What do you get out of lying nothing good all you get is more lies and a wrong path to success? When you commit to tell the truth it makes you a very CTR person. CTR is a good way to follow this tip because choosing the right consist to be honest, caring, responsible and so many wonderful things. For example, getting a tattoo, it’s better for you to be honest with your parents and telling them to take you, then to go to someone that has not experience and it will get badly infected and you lying to them that you feel fine when your hand or where ever you did the tattoo id infected.
2.        Tell someone about your commitment
You should tell a friend about how you commit to something so you can make them a better person. Better yet you should show then how you commit and how you successfully have achieved some of your goals by committing them. Instead of making bad decisions you should take a moment to thing what you want to do for your life and commit it. Help a friend achieve a goal anything that they want to that chooses the right. talk to an adult about your commitments and how you plan to achieve them so they can help you when they see you lack off.

3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.

When someone asks you to tell them how you honestly fell don’t be rude about it, you should be polite. You should be very polite because you do not know how other people will take it and it will lead to an argument. think before you give a dishonest answer
what i think this means is that when you know someone is doing wrong don't cus them out or judge them.
4. be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
5. be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
I like this 5th tip because when you are being dishonest don’t blame others so you can cover up for yourself. When you are the telling the truth you shouldn’t add things that were not even true because that makes you become a liar and you will not be choosing the right. Be honest even though you get in trouble because being honest is the number one thing everyone should do. Don’t leave parts out the story so you won’t get in trouble. I like to always say if you had the courage to do something like that then you should have the courage to take the blame for your actions.  It’s better to tell the truth when you mess up then to lie about telling the truth. When you are telling the truth don’t lie you should just be straight forward with it. You should say it how it is.
6. Don't indulge in little white lies 

i am not sure what this means . what i think this means is that you shouldn't be part of little or big lies. What i believe indulge means is that you are being involved in a particular activity, typically an undesirable or something disapproval.
7. watch out for silent lies
8. when you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
9. Talk to yourself
I like this 9th tip because its really good to talk to yourself. no one knows you more than your own self. lets say per phase someone wants to argue and fight you over something that really doesn't matter, then just take a minute to calm and relax yourself before you do anything that will effect you later on. I use this 9th tip most of the time. since I have a short temper I like to talk myself out of it. I ask myself are the consequences going to be worth it at the end of the day. I would tell anyone that I know to use this tip because its guaranteed that it will work with anyone. this is also a part of choosing the right because you talk yourself out of bad influence things.  
10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth

 you should always tell the truth and be happy about it because you are doing something good. choosing the right should be a 24/7 thing. it helps you be truthful with everyone and that is very important to do. if you tell the truth all the time then treat yourself. not only are you treating yourself but others are doing the same as well.  

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